
happy new year! its officially halfway through the 2020's, and ive been.. processing it. you mean to tell me i started calling myself "bazooie god" 10 YEARS AGO?? anyway, ive been winding down from the post-holiday blues.

there was a new wallace and gromit movie, and I watched it with my family. it's very good, as per usual with the series. ive yet to rewatch the other films, but i loved them when i was little.

ive been thinking about being more active in the selfship community on tumblr. but it's been kind of hard with my social anxiety. as much as i like my small, contained space.. i kind of want to just send strangers love letters unprompted. just wing writing their f/os and pray they like it. if another event like "to my s/i" happens, id be interested in just going mad with power and sending letters to people with obscure f/os.

i beat toejam and earl.. twice. one as toejam, the other as earl. the special interest really hit me. it's just such a fun and cute game! not only that, i also beat mean bean machine on all difficulties. just because.

i started a save in ocarina of time 3d. the original was a staple of my childhood. replaying it as an adult without being afraid of every enemy that wasn't a deku baba is a strange yet ethereal experience. i just started the water temple as of the time im writing this.


usually february goes by pretty fast for me. but this year it went by really slow? idk if that's just me or if other people have felt this. it also was a lot less cold than usual.

i spent valentines day alone this year, as always. well.. not TECHNICALLY alone.. if you count f/os. i haven't really been in the selfship "mood" this month. but im trying to get back to it. i have a bazwest fic in the works that im almost done outlining (all ill need to do is replay nsr to ensure accuracy and then it will begin proper production).

ive been playing more genesis games. lately its been vectorman and alex kidd in enchanted castle. vectorman has a really cool "3d" look to it, and the titular character almost looks like his animation was done using tweening. though the game itself is a little hard to recommend, because it is EXTREMELY flashy. apparently the alex kidd game ive chosen to play isn't very good, but i personally like it. even with the slippery controls.

i sadly haven't been watching a whole lot lately. aside from some short flash series ive had on the back burner for a while. yknow those like, oc tournaments? stuff like endzone and law of talos. i love the animation style and climber is adorable. i also like olga, chimbley, and mizuno.

.. oh, and one last thing. the new shrek 5 preview dropped and it looks like a disney film. which is ironic coming from the franchise that is basically a giant middle finger to disney. the meme references were super cringe. like.. if you're gonna reference pop culture, stick to films and celebrities that most people can recognise. not memes that haven't been funny since 2016.